Thursday, January 17, 2013

Game Plan for Technology Use

The Game Plan for Technology Use On the university level, educators are presenting lesson plan the old traditional way, the student take notes, remember the material, and then replicate the information on the exam. This is referred as the transmission mode (Frederick, 2007). In this way, the students are passive versus active recipients of the lesson plan (Frederick, 2007). However, if the students are actively engage with using digital tools and resources then they hold some accountability for their own learning. In this day and time students are culturally diverse. My plan is to stay on top of things. I saw this image (Figure A) and I think it fits so many educators today, including me. We are cramming so much information in our students and they still lack the skills necessary to do the lesson plan. Looking back over the years already spent in nursing has given me the ability to face situations with an open mind. Goal setting is essential for personal growth. All of my goals will contribute in making me an effective educator. I will embrace my learning as a tool to master each goal. I will need to welcome constructive criticism to be successful in the teaching arena. Learning how to use digital tools, and resources will be effective in my professional growth. Collins & Porras (1997) stated, “It is better to know who you are than where you are going, for where you are going we will almost certainly change” (p. 222). Game Plan #1 1. I will need to know my students. Work more with my objectives for the lesson plan that they are clear to the student in terms of learning outcomes (Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2009). 2. I will use the internet in the classroom to explore concerns and solving authentic problems. 3. I will let my lesson plan reflect student evaluation on ways to improve student learning. 4. I will do more group work to provide more opportunity for students to learn from each other and social skills that is necessary for the work force. Game Plan # 2 1. I will assess the student’s experience with the use of the computer. All students will have a chance to attend a one hour library session to obtained experience hands-on –experience and tutorial available to gain more knowledge. 2. I will have every student to fill out a learning style survey to better address learning activities using digital tools and resources. 3. I will evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on –going to make effective use with digital tools. As an educator, we find ourselves not connecting with our students and lacking understanding of key concepts. References Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009) Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Collins, J. C. & Porras, J. I. (1997). Built to last: Successful habits of visionary companies. Harper Business. Fredericks, A. (2007). Teaching college. New York: Penquin Group (USA) Inc. The author of this book presented tips and suggestions to help teachers to be successful in teaching college. He covered important topics that are very easy to read and understand. Also, includes effective strategies that work in a classroom setting International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from


  1. Hi Susan,
    Your approach seems very student centered. That is great! I like the idea of taking surveys to evaluate where your students are with regard to their knowledge using technology. I imagine you will have quite a variance, because you teach adults. I also like that you will find their personal learning styles to help support the best approach for their learning. I assume these surveys will, in many ways, benefit the students by helping them to identify their own learning needs and styles. This is good practice to support self-directed learning.
    Lisa LeBlanc

  2. Thanks Lisa
    We do a lot of evaluation in nursing to make revision in our course annually. It is good to hear what the student is saying. Evaluation is the only way the instructor will know if he or she is reaching all of the students. Thanks for your feedback.
